HAI HAI HAI! atually this post would be my #throwback kind of post hehe. soo, how are you doing? is everything going well like what you're wish or it turns out to be a nightmare? well don't be so saad cause everything gonna be alright yeyeyey. My day? ya still busy and always busy with soo many tasks that take over my time so much hiks i need a holiday asap! :( eventought that i've been in the state of stress (cause it's near from the final test!) and i feel so much faat (blame my tasks) haha food are the only one who helps me through this hell weeks nyumm. I'm fat and feeling stress buut i had sooo much fun in my life so faar alhamdulillah.
This one too! happiness moment with my new friends hehe let me introduce, the tall guy his name Melvin in the class he's the guy who like to joking yet so clever and the chubby guy, he's name Junius haha though his name was junius and he's the guy who often to laugh and joking all the tymeee haha.
i've already said that this was my throwback post, at that moment i was doing my photography project from photography 2 subject, the project was photo exclusive drink and unexclusive product.
the exclusive product we're use Martel and unexcluise Equil sparkling water. fuh we're booked studio around 3 hours, after 2 hours photos for our project later oon we're having a fun photshooot yeheyy!

having a glass of wine, do you want some? :9
lets strike a pose with a bottle of wine! cheers
don't have anything to say for this photo, the important is we're having fun haha!

this super weird yet funny posee
when doing the photoshoot was so fun! there's so many photos that i dont uploded in here cause this the only photo that my face looks normal haha the other photos my face looks like a potato cause the effect of laugh huaa. okay then, see you at my next post! bayy!

this super weird yet funny posee
when doing the photoshoot was so fun! there's so many photos that i dont uploded in here cause this the only photo that my face looks normal haha the other photos my face looks like a potato cause the effect of laugh huaa. okay then, see you at my next post! bayy!